MOSFET, MOS structure, Threshold Voltage,MOSFET Different Rigion

1.1 Introduction
The metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) is a three-terminal active device, which has many applications in both analog and digital electronics. The three terminals are the source (S), the drain (D), and the gate (G). The gate is insulated from the channel, which permits the gate-to-source voltage to be either positive or negative without the flow of gate current for both the n-channel and the p-channel devices.

        There are two types of MOSFET's: the depletion mode device and the enhancement mode device. In each, the current, which flows in the drain-to-source channel, is a function of the voltage applied from gate to source. In the depletion mode device, the channel is conducting when the gate-to-source voltage is zero. In contrast, in the enhancement mode device, the channel is non-conducting when the gate-to-source voltage is zero. For enhancement mode devices, the drain current is zero until the gate-to­-source voltage exceeds a value that is known as the threshold voltage (Vt).
1.2 MOS Structure
The basis of MOS transistor is a metal oxide semiconductor structure. The device input is called the 'gate'. Originally this was a metal plate, although nowadays it is usually made of polycrystalline silicon (commonly called poly or polysilicon). The oxide is very pure silicon dioxide and it separates the gate from the semiconductor materials; it acts as an insulator.
The semiconductor is very pure silicon, which has been doped with relatively small amounts of an impurity such that the impurity atoms can easily replace silicon atoms in the regular, fixed crystal structure. Pure silicon is not a good conductor at room temperature as there are very few electrons of negative charge. which acquire a high enough energy to break away from the silicon atoms. The electrons which escape are tree to move about the material and are referred to as 'free charge carries'. They leave a vacancy or hole in the parent atom which now has a net positive charge. Other electrons of lower energy move to fill these vacancies and this movement of free carriers is equivalent to the movement of holes of positive charge.

An n-type semiconductor is obtained by doping pure silicon with an impurity processing one more electron (in the outermost orbit) than silicon. This electron is only loosely, bound to the impurity atom and can easily acquire enough energy to break away leaving the fixed impurity atom positively charged. The freed electrons from the majority of free charge in the material, significantly reducing it's resistively below that of pure silicon. A few free holes still exist and these are referred to as the 'minority charge carrier'.
A p-type semiconductor arises when the impurity atoms have one fewer electrons in the outer orbit than does silicon. These are thus a vacancy for an extra electron and electrons move to fill these vacancies, causing the field impurity atoms to become negatively charged. This electron extraction is equivalent to the injection of positive holes. Thus the majority of free charge carries are holes and the minority charge carries are electrons.
The semiconductor material of figure 1 consists of a lightly doped p-type substrate and heavily doped n-type regions, denoted n+ and called the source and the drain which are located at each end of the gate. Conventionally, the drain is the device output terminal and the source is the terminal that is common to both the input and output circuits. It is therefore usual to specify the devices input voltage as V, meaning Vg -Vs and its output voltage as Vd, meaning Vd-Vs.
A terminal is connected to the bulk substrate and in NMOS this is always connected to the most negative voltage available. This is so that the diodes formed by the substrate-source and substrate-drain p-n junctions are always reverse biased and hence never conduct.

1.2.1 MOS Structure in Depletion
  • A +ve Vgb applied to the gate of a MOS structure whose substrate is grounded produces E penetrating into the substrate.
  • For a p-type substrate, E repels majority holes from the surface, creating a depletion region.
  • Some minority electrons are attracted to the surface, but at low values of Vgb their numbers are not sufficient to cause much effect
  • Charge balance is primarily +ve holes on gate, -ve ionized acceptors.
  • This is termed depletion Operation.
 1.2.2MOS Structure in Inversion
  • At large Vgb, a dense inversion layer of electrons forms under the surface.
  •  Further increases in Vgb only change the density of the inversion layer.
  • The potential at which the inversion layer dominates the substrate behavior is the threshold voltage Vt.
  • This inversion layer will form the conductive channel between the source and drain of the MOSFET.
1.2.3 Electric Fields in the MOSFET:

Two distinct electric field distributions exist in the MOSFET structure:
The transverse field is caused by the potential difference between the conductive gate and the substrate. This field supports the substrate depletion region and inversion layer.
The lateral field arises due to a non-zero source to drain potential, and is (in the simple model) the main mechanism for current flow in the MOSFET.

1.2.4 Threshold Voltage:         
The input potential at which the surface just becomes inverted is called the threshold voltage VT. Below the threshold voltage an NMOS transistor is off and no current flows, while above the threshold the inversion channel is established and the device conducts.
          A detailed analysis of the magnitude of the threshold voltage is complex. However, the factors determining Vt can be appreciated from a consideration of the excess charge within an NMOS device when the inversion layer is established. This is depicted in figure 6.
             The surface state charge Os, represents positive charge trapped at the oxide semiconductor interface as a result of imperfections at this surface. This, plus the gate charge Q must equal the induced charge in the inversion channel Qc plus the impurity atom charge Qd in the depletion region. Thus,

When the surface is just at the point of inversion, Qc = 0 and
Where. Cg is the capacitance across the insulator
In practice, VT has to overcome some in built potential differences before the transistor is brought to the edge of conduction. As a result, another two voltage terms have to be included in the above expressions for Vt. Vdif represents the voltage arising as a result of the difference between the gate and the semiconductor material. Since silicon gates are used nowadays, Vdif is small. The other voltage term Vr is the voltage across the depletion region dust at the point of inversion; it is dependent upon the impurity concentration and is usually less than 1 volt. Thus
            The last three terms can be regarded as constant potentials, while 0,/ is dependent upon transistor parameters and the applied voltages. In particular, Qcl is dependent upon the impurity concentration of the semiconductor material beneath the oxide. This provides a mechanism for adjusting the threshold voltage. 
If body is not connected to the source then the above equation becomes

1.2.5 Saturation Region:
In this region,  Vds > Vgs – VT.  As the drain voltage across the insulator at the drain drops and Vds = Vgs – VT . it is VT. This is the voltage necessary to just support inversion, and this point on the Ids verses Vds characteristics is called `pinch-off’. At this point the inversion channel ends just at the drain. As Vds increase beyond pinch-off, the point at which cease moves away from the drain.
The voltage difference along the inversion channel from the source to where it ceases  Vgs – VT, and the excess potential Vds =  Vgs – VT  is doped between the end of the inversion channel and the drain.. This creates a high eclectic field across this very short distance and the electrons from the inversion channel are quickly swept across this area to the drain.
1.2.6 Resistive Region:
       Here, Vds<  Vgs – VT The voltage across the insulator at the source is Vgs  and at the drain is Vgd (meaning Vg– Vd ). Although the voltage across the insulator is not constant, a voltage in excess of VT exists at all points across the oxide, causing the formation of a continuous inversion channel between the drain and the source. It will be assumed that the increase in voltage along the channel from the drain to the source is linear with distance.
The device structure therefore resembles an infinite number- of capacitances between the drain and the source, each one having a different voltage across it and therefore a different charge from its neighbors. The total charge included in the channel is the sum of the charge induced on each of these capacitances.

1.2.7 n-Channel MOSFET with Vgs < VT
  • With Vgs < VT, there is no inversion layer present under the surface.
  •  At Vds = 0, the source and drain depletion regions are symmetrical. 
  • A positive Vds reverse biases the drain substrate junction, hence the depletion region around the drain widens, and since the drain is adjacent to the gate edge, the depletion region widens in the channel. 
  •  No current flows even for Vds > 0, since there is no conductive channel between the source and drain for Vgs < VT.

1.2.8  n-Channel MOSFET With Vgs > VT , small Vds
  • With Vgs > Vt, a conductive channel forms under the surface - a nonzero transverse field is present.
  • Id is zero for Vds= 0 since no lateral field is present.
  • For Vds > 0, transverse  E  is present and current flows
  •  The increased reverse bias on the drain substrate junction in contact with the inversion layer causes inversion layer density to decrease.

1.2.9 n-Channel MOSFET With Vgs>VT, large Vds
(1) The point at which the inversion layer density becomes very small (essentially zero) at the drain end is termed pinch-off,
(2) The value of Vds at pinch-off is denoted Vds (sat)
(3) Past pinch-off, further increases in lateral electric field are absorbed by the creation of a narrow high field region with low carrier density  so if n is small E is large).

1.3 Triode Region

              In this region (Vgs> VT, and Vds = Vgs - VT) the gate voltage exceeds the threshold voltage and pulls negative charges toward the gate. This results is an n-Channel whose width controls the current flow Id between the drain and source.
where   product of surface mobility of channel electrons  and gate capacitance per unit area Cox in units of amps per volts squared, W is the channel width and L is the channel length.

1.4 Current Vs. Voltage Characteristic of an n-Channel                      MOSFET:

An important parameter in MOS transistors is the threshold voltage Vwhich is the minimum gate voltage required to induce the channel. In general, the positive gate voltage of an n-channel device must be larger than some value VT before a conducting channel is induced. Similarly, a p-channel device (made on an n-type substrate with p-­type source and drain implants or diffusions) requires a gate voltage more negative than some threshold value to induce the required positive charge (mobile holes) in the channel. The value of Vis controlled during device fabrication and typically lies in the range 0.5 to 3 Volts.
The characteristic curves above indicate that there are three distinct regions  of operation: the cutoff region, the triode region, and the saturation region. The saturation region is used if the MOSFET is to operate as an amplifier. For operation as a switch, the cutoff and triode regions are utilized. The device is cut off when Vgs< VT.
The n-channel enhancement type MOSFET operates in the triode region when Vgs is greater than VT and the drain voltage is lower than the gate voltage by at least VT volts. In the triode region, the Id vs Vds characteristics can be approximately described by the relationship:
In which K is a device parameter given by:

Where mobility of channel electron is a physical constant known as the electron mobility (its value in this case applies for the electrons in the induced n-channel), Cox (called the oxide capacitance) is the capacitance per unit area of the gate-to-body capacitor for which the oxide layer serves as dielectric, L is the length of the channel and W is its width. The aspect ratio of the device(W/L) determines its conductivity parameter K which has the unit A/V2.

If Vds is sufficiently small so that the V2ds term in the above equation (where the MOSFET is operating in the triode region) can be neglected, then the Id vs Vds characteristics near the origin are described by the following linear relationship,
The n-channel enhancement-type MOSFET operates in the saturation region when Vgs is greater than VT and the drain voltage does not fall below the gate voltage by more than VT volts. In saturation , the MOSFET provides a drain current whose value is independent of the drain voltage Vds and is determined by the gate voltage Vgs according to the square-law relationship.
MOSFET Id vs Vds Characteristic:
1.      For Vgs<VT, ID = 0
2.      As Vds increases at a fixed Vgs, ID increases in the triode region (due to the increased lateral field) also causing the gate-to-channel voltage at the drain end to decrease.
3.      At some point, the gate-to-channel potential will drop below VT and the channel will no longer be inverted at the drain end. At this point, the channel is said to become pinched-off.
4.      Since the voltage at the drain end of the channel is VD, pinch-off occurs at VGD = VT and this occurs when Vds >Vgs - VT.
5.      At this point, further increases in drain current will not affect the drain current and the device enters into the saturation region. 
1.5 MOSEFT Operating Modes:

Two basic operating modes  of a MOSFET are depletion mode and enhancement mode.

1.5.1Depletion Mode:

For Vgs= 0, a  conducting channel exists (ON state) for a depletion type MOSFET.  Its channel conductivity is large. There is large ID(sat) = ID (Vgs = 0).When reverse Vgs is applied, positive charges are induced in the channel at interface between source and oxide which reduces the number of electrons available for channel conductance.
So, the channel depleted of carriers and channel conductivity lowers.ID decreases as Vgs made more –ve. Eventually for a high –ve Vgs  the MOSFET turns into OFF state.
1.5.2Enhancement Mode of Operation

             For Vgs = 0, there is no conducting channel (OFF state) for an enhancement type MOSFET. So, channel conductivity  is very small. No ID flows since we have a n+-p-n+ channel structure (two      oppositely opposed p-n junctions).
              When forward VGS is applied, an electric field induces in SiO2 and holes deposited on metal gate. Electron charge appears in the source adjacent to oxide layer (drawn from n+ drain and source regions) through inversion. Channel is not depleted and channel conductivity   is ON state like a parallel-plate capacitor.
MOS Capacitance:

The gate of an MOS transistor is a good capacitor. Indeed, its capacitance is necessary to attract charge to invert the channel, so high gate capacitance is required to obtain high Ids. The gate capacitance can be viewed as a parallel plate capacitor with the gate on top and channel on bottom with the thin oxide dielectric between. Therefore, the capacitance is
                                                                    Cg =CoxWL
Channel Length Modulation:

             Ideally, Ids is independent of Vds for a transistor in saturation, making the transistor a perfect current source. The reverse biased p-n junction between the drain and body forms a depletion region with a width Ld that increases with Vdb. The depletion region effectively shortens the channel length to
Leff =L - Ld
Hence, increasing Vds decreases the effective channel length. Shorter channel length results I higher current; thus Ids increases Vds in saturation. This can be crudely modeled by multiplying the eq…… by a factor of (1+λVds).In the saturation region, we find

The parameter λ is an empirical channel length modulation factor. As channel length gets shorter, the effect of the channel length modulation factor becomes relatively more important. Hence, λ is inversely dependent on channel length. 

Velocity Saturation and Mobility Degradation:

Carrier drift velocity and hence current increase linearly with the lateral electric field Elat=Vds/L between source and drain. This is only true for weak fields; at high field strength, drift velocity rolls off due to carrier scattering and eventually saturates at υsat, as shown in Fig….The carrier velocity can be related to saturation current with the following equation.

So, the drain current is quadratically dependent on voltage without voltage and linearly dependent when fully velocity saturated. For moderate supply voltages, transistors operate in a region where the velocity no longer increases linearly with field, but also is not completely saturated.

Subthreshold Conduction:

              When the gate electrode of a  MOSFET is biased below threshold voltage, such that the conducting channel is weakly inverted the MOSFET is said to be in subthreshold regime. This regime is very important since it is one of the two stationary operating states of MOSFETS in digital applications. The ON-state of the MOSFET which corresponds a gate bias above threshold, allows a significant drain current to pass through the device, while the OFF-state, which corresponds to a subthreshold gate bias, should ideally block all drain current. In practice there will always some leakage current in the OFF-state owing to a finite amount of mobile charge at the semiconductor-insulator interface and a finite injection rate of carriers from the source into the channel.

Drain Induced Barrier Lowering:

                   If small channel length MOSFETs are not scaled properly, and the source/drain  junctions are too deep or the channel doping is too low, there can be unintended electrostatic interactions between the source and the drain known Drain Induced Barrier Lowering (DIBL).This leads to punch-through leakage or breakdown between the source and the drain, and loss of gate control. The phenomenon can be understood from the fig where we have schematically plotted the surface potential along the channel for along channel device and a short device. We see that as the drain bias is increased, the conduction band edge (which reflects the electron energies) in the drain is pulled down, and the drain-channel depletion width expands. For a long channel MOSFET, the drain bias does not affect the source-to-channel potential barrier, which corresponds to the built-in potential of the source-channel p-n junction. Hence, unless the gate bias is increased to lower this potential barrier, there is little drain current. On the other hand, for a short channel MOSFET, as the drain bias is raised and the conduction band edge in the drain is pulled down (with concomitant increase of the drain depletion width), the source-channel potential barrier is lowered due to DIBL. This can be shown numerically by a solution of the two dimensional position equation in the channel region. Simplistically, the ON-set of DIBL is sometimes considered to correspond to the drain depletion region expanding and merging with the source depletion region, and causing punch through breakdown between source and drain.

However, it must be kept mind that DIBL ultimately caused by the lowering of the source-junction potential barrier mellow the built-in potential. Hence, if we get DIBL in a MOSFET for a grounded substrate, the problem can be mitigated by applying  a substrate reverse bias, because that raises the potential barrier at the source end. This works in spite of the fact that the drain depletion region interacts even more with the source depletion region under such back bias. On the source-channel barrier is lowered by DIBL, there can be significant drain leakage current, with the gate being unable to shut it OFF.

Gate-Induced Drain Leakage:

               The sub threshold characteristics curve shown in figure, it is found that the as the gate voltage is reduced below Vt, the sub threshold current drops and then bottoms out at a level determined by the source/drain diode leakage. However, for even more negative gate biases we find that the off-state leakage current actually goes up as we try to turn off the MOSFET for more high Vd; this is known as Gate-Induced Drain Leakage (GIDL). The same effect is seen at a fixed gate bias of near zero, for increasing drain bias. The reason for GIDL can be understood from the Fig, where the band diagram is shown as a function of depth in the region where the gate overlaps the drain junction. As the gate is made more negative (or alternatively, for a fixed gate bias, the drain is made more positive), a depletion region forms in the n-type drain. Since the drain doping is high, the depletion widths tend to be narrow depletion region, the conditionsare conducive to band-to-band tunneling in this region, thereby creating electron-hole pairs. The electrons then go to the drain a GIDL .It must be emphasized that this tunneling is not through the gate oxide, but entirely in the Si drain region. For GIDL to occur, the drain doping level should be moderate (~1018cm-3). If it is much lower than this, the depletion widths and tunneling are too wide. On the other hand, if the doping in the drain is very high, most of the voltage drops in the gate oxide, and the band-bending in the Si drain region drops below the value Eg. GIDL is an important factor in limiting the off-state leakage current in the state –of-the-art MOSFETs.